Cristin Meyer, MSW

Parenting Coach

I’m a mom of 3 boys (ages 20, 6 and 4). My education in Social Work and field experience as a Family Based Therapist, played a critical part in me becoming a Parenting Coach.

While raising my two toddlers and teenager, I recognized the constant need for continual support and guidance in parenting. I earned my Performance Coach Certification in 2017, and began my coaching journey.

I support parents and bring clarity to how they want their relationships to be with their children. I offer a balanced perspective to help parents feel more calm, confident, and connected.

One of my goals is to help parents respond instead of react. This is gained through learning new practical tools and skills as well as changing patterns that haven’t brought value in the past. Ultimately, this allows space for parents to create a deeper and more fulfilling connection to their family, making parenting more fun and enjoyable!