Our Team

Cornerstone is leading the way in our area to provide holistic, progressive treatment to mental health wellness. We provide counseling, nutrition, massage, and physical therapy.

We incorporate many components, such as: trauma work, attachment work, identity strengthening, spirituality, anxiety management, breath work, staying present, resilience training by understanding the nervous system, detection of nutrient deficiencies, gut health/microbiome, therapeutic exercise, pain management, post-operative therapy, voice and swallowing disorders, therapeutic massage, and more.

Interested in joining our team?

Our Team

Cornerstone is leading the way in our area to provide holistic, progressive treatment to mental health wellness. We provide counseling, nutrition, massage, and physical therapy.

We incorporate many components, such as: trauma work, attachment work, identity strengthening, spirituality, anxiety management, breath work, staying present, resilience training by understanding the nervous system, detection of nutrient deficiencies, gut health/microbiome, therapeutic exercise, pain management, post-operative therapy, voice and swallowing disorders, therapeutic massage, and more.

Interested in joining our team?